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Roadmap 🏁

Mock Services

  • Ability to create a REST mock service
    • Ability to add mock endpoints for REST mock services
  • Ability to create a GraphQL mock service 🎯
    • Ability to add a mock for a query 🎯
    • Ability to create a mock for a mutation 🎯
  • Ability to configure global response headers
  • Ability to create scenarios of type 'HTTP Response'
  • Ability to create scenarios of type 'Proxy'
    • Ability to configure proxy request headers and proxy response headers in proxy scenarios
  • Partial Proxying: If enabled, Ability to configure an upstream endpoint for mock service, such that requests to any non-implemented endpoints in the mock service will be proxied to the upstream
    • Ability to configure proxy request headers and proxy response headers in partial proxy mode
  • Should be able activate a random scenario, from the configured scenarios.
  • Ability to create scenarios of type 'Network Condition'
    • Ability to create scenario 'Socket Hang up'
  • Ability to configure a response delay
    • Ability to send a response body with randomly generated data using faker.js
    • Ability to send a dynamic response depending on the content of the request, using JSONata mapping
  • Ability to update mock endpoints
    • Ability to delete a scenario
  • Ability to delete mock endpoints
  • Ability to view mock service configuration
  • Ability to view all mock services
  • Ability to configure CORS for a mock service


  • Ability to create a workspace
  • Ability to update a workspace
  • Ability to list workspaces
  • Ability to delete a workspace
  • Ability to view request/response log for the workspace


  • Ability to view request/response log for workspace
  • Ability to view request/response log for each endpoint in workspace
  • Ability to clear activity log for workspace
  • Ability to export activity log for workspace


  • Ability to import an OpenAPI Spec and auto generate the mock service
  • Ability to import a Switchboard dump file


  • Ability to export a mock service config as a Switchboard dump file

Configuration API

  • Ability to create an API client that generates a Client ID/Client Secret key pair